In total the 2020 NHL Draft Black Book (digital) is 763 pages. (Print version is under 590 pages)
One again our player profiles this year have draft grades and player ratings. We have ratings for Hockey Sense, Compete, Skill and Skating & a Miscellaneous category which encompasses physical attributes. The ratings are included for all our 2020 player profiles. We also include the players draft grade and of course, the players ranking.
The 2020 NHL Draft Black Book feature profiles for over 320 prospects eligible for the 2020 NHL Draft, plus over 100 profiles for the 2021 NHL Draft and over 50 profiles for the 2022 NHL Draft.
Our NHL Draft Black Book also contains hundreds of pages of game reports from our scouts which are not included in the 2020 NHL Draft Guide.
Our rankings are similar to an NHL team style list. That ranking is for prospects eligible for the 2020 NHL Draft. We also include a Top 32 for the 2021 NHL Draft.
Visit our online store for the instant download version of our 2020 NHL Draft Black Book.
To view our 2020 NHL Draft Top 31 Rankings Click here