NHL Draft Black Book at amazon (.com) (.ca) (co.uk)

The print version of our 2017 NHL Draft Black Book is now available on amazon ( USA – U.K ) This seasons printed edition is 598 pages. It features 699 player profiles in total.

Here is the breakdown:

2017 NHL Draft: 388 Player Profiles

2018 NHL Draft: 214 Player Profiles

2019 NHL Draft: 97 Player Profiles

The 2017 Black Book also features our Scouts Game Reports, a full top 217 prospects ranking, a top 31 prospects ranking for the 2018 NHL Draft and the immensely popular “quotables” in our player profiles.




Don’t want to wait? Visit our store to purchase one of the PDF instant download version.

*Note that the TEAM EDITION of our Black Book is 740 pages and is only available on our online store in digital PDF format.

What a few people have said this year….
